Look to us for valuable life insurance
Learn more about BSP Life
Welcome to BSP Life
Welcome to BSP Life PNG
BSP Life PNG was established in 2017 and commenced operations in 2018. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of BSP Group, drawing on the wealth of experience and expertise from BSP Life Fiji which has been in operation for over 140 years. BSP Life PNG is well capitalized and financially sound with an Independent Board backed by its strong shareholder BSP.
We are the only insurer in PNG offering an Anticipated Endowment Product! Our Life Insurance products are aimed at selected market segments to provide insurance cover that meet corporate and individual needs.
When you place your trust in us for your Life Insurance needs, you can depend on us to be there when it matters the most. Plus you will join a company that endeavours to secure your family’s financial future with a strong and diversified investment portfolio. Because BSP Life is with you, your tomorrow is in good hands and your future is promising.
BSP Life – With You for Life
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Top Reasons To Choose BSP Life

BSP is one of the largest and most successful banking organizations in the South Pacific, with a proud and established reputation in Papua New Guinea (PNG), and a long history of highly successful business throughout the region.

BSP Life’s investments will be a well-balanced portfolio of investments spread across Inscribed Stocks, Term Deposits, Properties, Equities and Treasury Bills. BSP Life has over 1,500 policyholders in Port Moresby and Lae and we plan to expand throughout the country.

BSP Life has a goal to remove the hurdles and confusion of life insurance. We’re here to help you find the best way to protect yourself and your family. At BSP Life we offer you the flexibility you won’t get anywhere else in the country.

BSP Life is the youngest wholly owned subsidiary of BSP. We aim to be the leading life insurance provider in Papua New Guinea and will continue to nurture the trust that exists with our customers. It is our promise that when you need it the most, we’ll have you covered.